My Results from Colin Meunier’s Solo Ads

I’ve decided to put a new feature on my solo ad directory and
now will be writing reviews on the traffic that I’m buying. Feel
free to add your own comments of your results with the
individuals as well.

With solo ads I highly recommend that you purchase smaller
solos from that list first to see if it converts for your offer. You
can always buy more traffic from them.

Today I’ll be reviewing Colin Meunier and sharing my results.

I bought a 250 click solo for $85 which works out to $0.34 a visitor.

Here’s my receipt

Colin M PayPal Receipt

And I had him promote Top Plugins for WordPress

I ended up getting 258 unique visitors (8 extra) and added
92 people to my list for a 36% conversion rate. Which works
out to a cost per subscriber of $0.92.

To buy a solo from Colin Meunier click here I recommend

20 thoughts on “My Results from Colin Meunier’s Solo Ads”

  1. Hey, it’s cool to have such solo reviews. It could be interesting to also include how many people bought the One Time Offer (OTO) once they opted in, just to add another important info regarding the lists responsiveness…

    Chad 🙂

    1. @Chad, I’m a bit leery about putting that info out at the moment since OTOs can really vary. At the moment I’m going to stick with just sharing optin data as that should give people a general idea if the list is decent. For example let’s say overall a squeeze is doing 40% but a provider is only doing 10% it’ll be noted here.

      1. Thanks Reed for putting all this honest info..I have few questions –

        1. In the solo ads, what % of subscribers do you get from “non buying” countries like India/Indonesia/Nigeria etc.?

        2. I am planning to do my 1st solo ad buy. Can you please recommend me top solo ad sellers per your experience? I mean you have given review of a lot of people. but whom would you recommend me to start with?


  2. Why would you feel leery about sharing real, raw, unadulterated data? That’s all people should want anyway. Just note that “OTOs can really vary.”

  3. Hi Reed:

    I just came across your site last night and I’m hooked because you deliver good content that saves substantial dimes! My main question is this, how can I market my “healthy shake” business online (like an IM) when sign-up cost varies from $50-999 both for customers and distributors. I’m thinking I need a squeeze page to extract all leads and sell them later. Any feedback is very appreciative. Thanks.

  4. Hi, Julie – I’m about a year late, but I was interested in your question because I have the same concern. Did you find an answer? Probably you have by this time. I found a program that helps to make a squeeze page but I haven’t gone as far as buying solo ads yet. Just looking for a good solo ad seller when I came across your question. Good selling to you! Betsy

  5. This seems to be a good site. But how can someone guarantee clicks? No one knows if a person will click an ad or not? But what worries me even more is no one says they made any sales. they just talk about how they received their clicks. Now adding new people to my list is great! But not if my guaranteed clicks ( which is actually impossible to guarantee if they are real) are all incentivised clicks. Am I missing something here?

    1. Hi Joel,

      I have a list of solo ad sellers who provide guaranteed clicks. Check them out:
      Heimir Finnson – – 250 / $137
      Igor Kheifets – – 100 / $82.50
      Ashley Gough – – 500 / $200

      Email me at and let me know how it went with those.
      If you want, I can email you some more.



    2. I understand your consern. It is very difficult to find a good solo ad provider who is honest and delivers good quality subsribers. As you mentioned, sometimes subscribers are incentivised, sometimes emails are fake. You can never really tell. My sister for example paid $100 for I think 100 clicks from Deagan Smith. Received 30 or so subscribers, but 12 of them unsubscribed, and she made no sales till date from the rest, after 2 months, so $100 spent, and no profit so far. Yes, it would be great if people who review would add how many sales they actualy had.

      1. Hey Anna,
        I heard your desperate call for a good solo ad. Up until quite a while ago, I’ve used over 50 solo ad providers, and when it comes to “Why half of your people unsubscribed in the second week from my newsletter”, they become so quiet, so invisible… Well, I found the solution. There is a site that do even write the ad for you, build capture pages for your offer and drive pretty decent quality as well as # of visitors, depends on which package you order. Now, let me tell you. I tried them a few times, and then I become an affiliate for them. So if you place an order, they’ll pay me commission. If you don’t mind that, just click on my name, and if you have any questions or need any help at all, shoot me an email at

  6. Joel, it’s called Ad Tracking Software…very simple to use – You are at a ‘next level’ ad service, where it’s not pay per click, but it’s experts in the industry with email lists – the service is that they will email YOUR ad to THEIR list

    You should check out Safe-Swaps for a full list of marketers doing this, all fully reviewed and rated – fantastic service

  7. Ok so I pay sum1 $80 for clicks. I get clicks but has any of these clicks turned into money or are we just paying these people $80 for no profit in return?????

  8. I’ve read the threads on this website with great delight on one hand and also with great concern on why some humans always want to put the cart before the horse. We’re back to the same old “chicken and hen” question. Which comes first the traffic or the offer which comes first? I come from the old school. I tried my methods in both the east and the west and it always work. Why spend 90 days trial and error experimenting with a list build by someone else for their own business purpose?

    I use one simple method. Blog daily, tell nice relevant stories that will amuse, entertain and appeal to your visitors. Once on your website, use your videos to convert them from suspects to prospects. Daily blogs, sometimes two or three a day, videos, audios, and a variety of media are all it takes to get the search engine “blood hound” ‘(content-bound) robots to smell the “blood” spilling from your website. These robots are programmed to be content seeking servo-mechanism. If you have fresh content for them daily, they’ll add your URL to their favorite folder. If the content dries out, your URL will be deleted without any warning.

    These robots are all over the internet and they love to please their masters. So, why can’t aspiring entrepreneurs learn to write copies that spill out the bates to lure these robots into your website, give them seats to seat down and make the guest room ready for them to sleep over. Assure them the guest room is theirs to keep coming back to and be at the door to welcome them when those recognition start rolling in.

    Within 90 days, you’ll get all the traffic you want organically. You’ll also learn what owning a list feels like and what it takes to keep a list warm. This is your list and you don’t have to depend on any one’s list. Each time I use this technique, I get thousands of repeat visits from Baidu, Google, Bing and Yahoo to mention but a few. If a method is guaranteed to deliver you 50 genuine visitors daily, that’s all you need to write a winning campaign that will cause the “3-bring-3-bring-3 … 3” to work for you. That’s marketing. Not all these today subscribe and unsubscribe tomorrow by hired ‘e-mail-donors’ of today’s so called purveyors of lists. When it comes to list and its a matter of make or buy, I’d always make the list and its like a child from your own womb, with your own DNA.

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